Saturday, February 19, 2011

Finalizing the Venue

Well, as I hoped from my previous blog entry, I found a venue! The ceremony will be at the Santa Barbara City College, and the reception will be at the Cabrillo Arts Center. Yay! It took a while to figure out the date though. May is my favorite month, so naturally I wanted to get married then. But there are not a lot of options in May. The 26th occurs during Memorial Day Weekend, and I think that would make everything more expensive (especially for the out-of-town guests). The 5th is Cinco de Mayo, which would be a little weird, but either way, the Cabrillo Arts Center was booked for that day. And the 19th is such an ugly number (even numbers are way better, and come on, it’s way too prime for me). Plus, the City College graduates during that weekend.

So that left May 12th. Which was perfect. The only problem was... that the Cabrillo Arts Center was booked on that day! :( So I considered it doing it in early June, but we have a lot of fog here in June and even in May sometimes, and June just doesn’t have the same appeal as May. As for April, that’s a beautiful month, but Damon’s birthday is on the 24th, and he didn’t want his b-day write next to the wedding (although it could be cool, right?) Anyway, there was no need to go with a foggy day in June or a day too close to Damon’s b-day in April.... Why is this, you ask? Because after asking multiple people multiple times about the May 12th booking, they finally called up the people who had booked it originally, and turns out they didn’t need it on that day anymore! So it was all mine :)

I had a ten day hold on the Arts Center after I found out the good news. Next step – to book SBCC on that same day. The first time I called, they said they only book 6 months in advance! :( That was hardly anything in wedding time. But then I talked to a different person, who eventually gave me a contract to sign. That took forever too though, since she’d only responded to my inquiries about once a week. So on Thursday, I finally was able to give the deposit (who knew it was so hard for people to accept money when I was willing to write the check and just do it already).

May 12, 2012... it has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Yay! I just put it on my Outlook Calendar. ;)

Next step... look for a caterer :)

1 comment:

  1. What a big job to make all these plans! Super work, Elaine. I smile to read the blog.
