Friday, May 27, 2011

T-Minus One Year!

Note: The following entry was written May 12, 2011 but not posted until later.

T-minus one year!

This time next year, we'll all be dancing up a storm! I hope the weather next year is as nice as today was.

Today Damon and I biked to Starbucks because they are having a half-off frappuccino happy hour special this week from 3-5pm. Biking back to work, we noticed that this hour next year, we'd almost be getting married! I asked Damon, "Do you think next year around 3:00, we'll be thinking about how last year we went to get our happy hour frappuccinos and wondering what May 12, 2012 will be like?" Damon said, "The only thing I'll be thinking about is you." Just kidding, I made up that last part. But he said something like, "Of course not! We will have totally forgotten about the frappuccinos!" Damon has a short-term memory. Not really kidding about that part. Sorry Damon, I don't think you read my blog entries anyway. ;)

But seriously, he's probably right. We'll be so in the moment that we won't be thinking of anything else. But, since I'm writing this here blog entry, maybe I'll remember what it was like to ponder the Big Day. And realize that it's not just some distant thing in the future that may eventually happen. It's one year from now. And it will happen (I don't want to lose my deposits). ;) That idea is crazy to me. I guess that's what happens when you have a long engagement - you feel like you'll be engaged forever.

This morning Damon and I put each other's ring on the other person's hand. Like we will next May 12th. Of course, Damon's fingers have swollen up since we bought the ring last year. We couldn't get it off this morning. I briefly wondered if we would go to work with his ring on. People would think we were already married! I heard that saliva helps get rings off, so Damon stuck his finger in his mouth, and it worked. So much for that. We'll have to get it resized before the wedding. But we already got it resized and he hasn't even worn it yet! Oh boy.

Almost time for The Office. See you next year. :)