Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My First Blog!

Well we finally put a blog up. :) This is my first blog ever. Gotta give it a try someday, I guess, and what better time to do it than now.

My dad said he was checking the wedding website every now and then to see if it was updated, so I made a couple changes last week. The main being that I put 2012 as the year instead of 2011. May is my favorite month, so I would really like to get married then (although March is a possibility if we want to go a slightly cheaper route). But if we don't get married in May, then we've got to have a kid in May, haha ;)

So anyway... let's back it up a little here to January since I haven't written anything until now. When we got engaged, everything was so crazy. We had bought the house and got engaged within the same week! As if one of those wasn't enough excitement alone. I couldn't sleep for several days. Talk about a lot to celebrate. I kind of felt like I wasn't giving as much attention to the wedding planning as I should since I was dealing with all the paperwork that comes with buying a house. Even after escrow was closed, there was so much to do in terms of moving, taking care of small repairs, finding roommates, and just adjusting to the new life as a homeowner.

Anyway, I kind of went on a tangent there, but I eventually found time to concentrate on the wedding. We were originally thinking of getting married in 2011. So that meant I had a little over a year to plan. And knowing me (it takes me a while to make decisions, small or large), I needed all the time I could get. So I started looking into venues. Who knew that would be so difficult? In fact, all the things that go into making a wedding perfect... they're endless! There are so many things to decide on (venue, food, dress, flowers, cake), and for each of these areas, I have to decide what I want. I started feeling overwhelmed... Then we decided to have the wedding in 2012, which gave me more time. My new approach was to not make any official plans, but to gather ideas from wedding magazines and websites. My mom brought me magazines practically every time she visited (which is a lot). I looked through them a bit, but I started losing motivation. I have never been a fan of calling people or making appointments, and that's all it seemed like wedding planning was about. Is there something wrong with me? Am I not supposed to be all excited and want to do this? To me, it just feels like a big chore. Something that's got to be done. :(

Oh dear, I sound all depressing now. Happy thoughts. Hopefully I'll feel motivated again as the day gets closer. I better talk about something exciting now to end on a happy note.

I'm trying to grow out my nails (again). My mom said that her sister stopped biting her nails when she got married. Maybe I could do that too. My friend Aymiee's bachelorette party is coming up this weekend. We're going to get manis and pedis. So this past week I've been trying to grow my nails so the salonist (is that the word?) isn't super appalled. I'm thinking of joining a support group (no, seriously). I've been googling ways to stop. Wish me luck.

Well I guess that's all I'll talk about for now :) How did I do for my first-ever blog? I feel like I should end with a snazzy saying like, "That's all folks" or something like that. I'll work on it. Bye for now.